Come In For Coffee…

Welcome to the Blueline Bistro – everyone’s local coffee shop.

From our home in our real life cafe, we love to share our passion for great coffee with our customers both in the real world, and here on our Blog, our way to share our knowledge and enthusiasm with the rest of planet Earth.

Whether you enjoy a quiet cup of instant, or have your very own bean to cup machine at home, just like our rows of Melitta Caffeo Bistro makers in our little shop, there’s all sorts of tips and tricks you can use to make your coffee better, richer and give you that thrilling aroma of a fresh brew.

Just like our in store customers, we want you to enjoy the same experience, so we’re planning to get involved with all the new fangled technology that the web offers, with video guides and interactive how-tos to help you absorb our experience. We’re even looking forward to offering you the chance to buy many of our exclusive bean blends that we import directly into our business, so that you can get the Blueline Bistro experience in your own home.